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Turkey Hat Craft
2020-07-07 09:45
This turkey hat is easy to make using construction paper, google eyes, scissors, provided templates, tape, crayons and glue. Young guests will enjoy wearing this fun headdress for the holiday and it can be made in a variety of sizes and colors.
What you'll need:
Turkey hat craft template
Assorted construction paper
Google eyes
How to make your turkey hat craft:
Cut two to three strips about 2" wide from your choice of construction paper and tape together. Measure to comfortably fit wearer's head and tape to secure.

Cut out templates and trace shapes onto paper. You will need two wing shapes and 3-4 feathers. Cut wings, turkey body, beak, waddle and feather shapes from paper using assorted colors.

Glue google eyes, beak and waddle onto turkeys head and let dry. If desired, cut fringe edge on feathers and decorate turkey shapes with crayons.

Using glue or tape, attach body to front of headband, wings on sides, and tail feathers on back