For a fluffy center, create a fringe using a small length of crepe paper folded in half lengthwise. Then cut tiny slits along one edge. Roll the slip into a cylinder.
To make stamen as seen in flowers like crocuses, use a slightly wider length of crepe paper and cut the fringes a bit farther apart. Then twist each fringe between your fingers.
The shape of the petals is up to you! Do be aware that you'll want to orient your petal so that the grain of the paper allows the cut paper petal to widen outward instead of lengthwise — like an accordion.
Have fun experimenting with different shapes and colors.
Make a bunch of petals that range in length.
Starting at the outer edge of your cardstock circle, glue the largest petals around the edge.
Add progressively shorter petals in concentric circles.
When your petals are covering the whole circle, add a dollop of glue in the center and poke the center piece into it — like you're putting a cherry on top!
Gently expand the petals by pulling them out like an accordion, to create curved forms.