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Pompom Moster
2021-03-25 16:40

How to make pompom moster?

Material: Yarn. Cardboard. Pipe cleaners. felt fabric or colored paper. glue gun and googly eyes

1. We start by taking two cardboard pieces and put them together.
2. Then we draw a circle on it, take something around as a template, we use a roll of tape. Put it on the papers and drew around it so you get around circle.

3. Then use a template that is smaller than the first one and draw a small circle inside the first circle.
4. Then cut out the circle with scissors. So it looks like this.

5. We take the yarn and cut off. The ends together and fold the yarn.
6. We put the loop through the paper rings from the inside and out. Then just wrap yarn around the rings.

7. This takes a little while you will have to add more yarn several times when you run out of yarn, just attach a new piece in the same way as the first one and proceed to wrap around the yarn until it looks like this. The hole in the middle should be filled. You can have a use for a needle at the end.

8. You can of course use any color of yarn, you can also choose different colors every time you take new yarn, then you will make a colorful monster at the end, just cut the yarn.
9. Then we take the pipe cleaners and put them through the middle, this would become the monster's arms and legs later.

10. Then take the scissors and carefully cut the yarn.
11. There's the scissors again to get down to the paper rings and then trying to get the scissors in between them, it's probably best if an adult does that it can be a bit tricky. Once you have succeeded to put the scissors between the paper rings just continue to cut off the yarn ball all the way.

12. When you're ready, it should look something like this. Turned out just great, pull the paper rings a bit apart, so we have room to tie in the middle. Take a piece of yarn and tie it between the paper rings. Tighten it, so the yarn ball stays together.

13. If you type your loose there's a risk that the yarn ball falls apart so be sure to type properly. 15. Then cut off the ends, then we remove the paper rings carefully, a pipe cleaners will now be the pompom monsters arms and legs.

14. Now we put the hands and the feet on the pipe cleaners. We make them out of felt fabric, you can also use colored paper.
15. Remember to cut the hands and feet with double fabric or paper, so that you get two pieces. Glue them together with a pipe cleaner in between like this.

16. If you want to, you can put ears on the monster. 
17. Cut out the ears on freehand or draw them first, use double fabric so you only need to cut once and then the ears will be the same size.

18. We use these kinds of googly eyes that you can buy in craft shops, if you don't have any, you can make your own eyes as you felt fabric or paper.
19. Put on a drop of glue and press firmly and the same with the other eye glue and press then we get out a mouth.


20. There you go, now, our little pompom monster is ready, oh that's really nice. Remember the pompom monsters can look just as you want them to.