The first thing you need to do is check to see if the tissue paper will bleed when wet. Do a quick swatch test to find out:
Now take your water-reactive tissue and crepe and tear it into shapes. Or use scissors. Or punches. Let the kids have fun.
Next, lay your shapes onto your paper…..and mist away. My kids like this part best.
Let the watercolor paper absorb the released dye and dry on it’s own. It’s nice to let it sit overnight. Then you get to see how your “painting” looks!
Or, if you did something more random, you can cut it up into nice notecards.
Lastly, you can also coach the kids on how water disperses color by comparing paper that was wet FIRST and THEN the tissue laid down up0n it versus dry paper which is wet after. Kind of a little science experiment worked in.
Fun, right??