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Classification of feathers
2020-10-19 08:53
According to the structure, feathers can be divided into five categories: normal feather, downy feather, semi-downy feather, fibril feather and powder feather [ran].
Distributed on the body surface, wings, and tail, including the large plume (profile) outside the covered body and in the wings and tail
Raw flight and tail feathers.The number of flight and tail feathers is constant.The shaft ends in the root, which is deeply rooted in the skin
In the skin.There are many parallel barbs on both sides of the barb axis, and even smaller barbs are arranged on both sides of each barb
Branch.A row of small barbules on the distal side of a barb having many feathery branches with fine hooks at the tip, proximal to the barbules
The small branches of the barbs are connected to form flat, elastic plumes that fan the air and protect the body.
Dense under the right feather, long and slender filiform branches, on the tip of the root.Small branches short, apex
Tufts of fine filamentous barbs, barbs with no hooks and no feathery branches or hooks, cannot be joined into plumes, therefore
The feathers are fluffy and fluffy.Waterfowl feather is more developed, eiderdown is this kind of feather.The shell of a chick
The feather covered by the table is called the young feather, which is developed in the early young, and sparse or even absent in the late young.
Young feather is completely unhooked.
3.Half plumule
A feather between a downy feather and a straight feather having a straight feather structure but lacking a feathered hook and flange
This is as fluffy as a feather.Generally distributed under normal plume.
4.Fine feathers
Also called "hairiness", scattered between normal and downy plumage, with only one slender shaft, hairlike, with a small tip
Hui yu branches and barbs.The basic function of hairiness is touch.The shaft of the feather is long and thin, mixed between the main and downy feathers
In the.Barbules and lesser barbules are few or none in number and are a vestigial positive feather.Feather is also called hair
Barbs, arising between normal and downy barbs at the base of the beak and eye catching.
5.Pink feather
A specialized downy feather that grows throughout its life without shedding, and whose terminal barbs and branchlets are continually broken into powder
A particle that helps remove dirt from the front feather or makes the feather waterproof.Heron kind powder developed, in the chest
Distribution of plaques in abdomen and flank.The powder [plume] of eagles and parrots is distributed throughout the body.Usually lacking is the caudal gland
Many birds developed powder.